I love the way the early morning sun starts peeking into the
sitting area of our master bedroom. Such a peaceful time of
I have several projects I am working on right now. Praise
God for my continued health progress so that I can enjoy
working on projects once again. I bought a new rug for my
Sweet Tea Cottage, and I am anxious to get it down while my
hubby is at home today. I will need some help moving the
furniture out before the rug goes down.
Here's a photo of the rug. The wallpaper arrived and I am anxious
to put that up too, but fist I need to paint the studs white. I asked
David to help me put up some more trim work too.
Lots to do, but I will take my time and do what I can each day.
I hope y'all have a peaceful and fun Sunday. See you
next week!
Susan and Oliver